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Are you looking for type G(GH) gravel pumps?


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Type G or GH gravel pumps are designed for continuously handling the most difficult abrasive slurries which contain too big solids to be pumped by a common pump. They are suitable for delivering slurries in mining , explosive -sludge in metal metaling . Dredging in dredger and course of rivers, and other fields. Type GH pumps are of high-head ones.


Construction of this pump is of single casing connected by means of clamp bands and wide wet-passage. The wet-parts are made of Ni-hard and high chromium abrasion-resistance alloys. The discharge direction of pump can be oriented in any direction of 360℃. The type of pump possesses the advantages of easy installation and operation. Good performance of NPSH and abrasion-resistance.


Our type including in 6/4D-G, 8/6E-G, 10/8F-G, 12/10G-G, 14/12G-G,16/14G-G, 8/6F-GH, 10/8S-GH, 12/10G-GH, 16/14TU-GH.

For example: 6/4D-G (or GH)

6- suction diameter(inch)

4- discharge diameter(inch)

D-frame form

G-gravel pump

GH-high head of gravel pump