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The function of the impeller is to directly transfer the mechanical energy of the prime mover to the liquid to increase the static pressure energy and kinetic energy of the liquid (mainly increasing the static pressure energy). Worman slurry pump impellers are mainly made of high chromium alloy, natural rubber, A49, polyurethane, Cr30, etc. The main pumps include AH series slurry pumps, G-type gravel pumps and AHR rubber slurry pump impellers.


Worman slurry pump impellers include closed impellers, semi-open impellers and open impellers.

H18137DPT2A05 C2147A05 C2058A05 C2056A05

G12147BFA05 G12145WRT1A05 

G10137DPT1A05 G10145HE1A05

H14147A05 GAM14147A05




  • Pump Mode AH, HH, L, M, SP, G/GH, AF
  • Number of Vanes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Impeller form Open, closed, semi-open
  • Material A05, A07, A33, A49

Product features

1. Closed impeller: composed of blades and front and rear covers. Closed impellers have higher efficiency and are more difficult to manufacture. Most commonly used in centrifugal pumps. Suitable for transporting clean water, solutions and other clean liquids with low viscosity and without particles.

2. Semi-open impeller: There are generally two structures. One is the front semi-open type, which is composed of a rear cover plate and blades. The impeller efficiency of this structure is low. In order to improve efficiency, a sealing ring with an adjustable gap is required. The other is a semi-open impeller. The rear semi-open type consists of a front cover and a blade. Because it can use the same sealing ring as a closed water pump impeller, the efficiency is basically the same as a closed impeller. In addition to transporting liquid, the blades also have: back blades or auxiliary impellers. Sealing effect. Semi-open impeller is suitable for transporting liquid containing solid particles, fibers and other suspended matter. Semi-open impellers are less difficult to manufacture, lower in cost, and have strong adaptability. In recent years, they have been increasingly used in centrifugal pumps for refining and chemical industries, and are used to transport clean water and liquids close to clean water.

3. Open impeller: an impeller with only blades and blade reinforcements and no front and rear covers. The number of open impeller blades is 2-5 less. The water pump impeller has low efficiency and is rarely used. It is mainly used to transport liquids with higher viscosity and slurry liquids.